星期二, 六月 24, 2008



1. 龙破斩

Darkness beyond twilight, crimson beyond blood that flows, buried in the flow of time is where your power grows. I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand before this mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand. Let the fools who stand before us be destroyed by the power you and I possess. Dragon Slave!

Heed me thou who is darker than dusk, he who is more red than blood. In the name of that which has been buried in the bottomless abyss of time eternal, I summon thee, Master of the Ultimate Darkness. Infuse me with power, let your strength become mine to wipe these fools who stand before us from the face of this earth, and deliver unto them the ultimate doom! Dragon Slave!


2. Giga Slave (重破斩)
Darkness beyond blackest pitch, deeper than the deepest night. King of Darkness who shines like gold upon the See of Chaos;I call upon thee, swear myself to thee. Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed by the power you and I possess…Giga Slave!

3. Ragna Blade (神灭斩):
Lord of the dreams that terrify. Sword of cold and darkness, free yourself from the heaven’s binds. Become one with my power, one with my body, and let us walk the path of destruction together.Power that can smash even the souls of the gods: Ragna Blade!

4. Boost(貌似是用第二部从杰洛士手上买来的那几块红宝石增强魔法的咒语):
Lord of the Darkness and the Four Worlds, I call upon you, grant me all the power that you possess!

5. Amplification(呃……貌似是上头那个的不同版本……):
Lord of Darkness of the four worlds, on thy bonds I do swear, grant me all the power that you posses!

6. Recovery (回复大法):
Blessed, humble hand of God, Breath of Mother Earth, I pray thee come before me, show your great compassion to this person, and deliver them.

7. Ra Tilt (崩灵裂/精灵大法) (我特别喜欢看加梅莉亚和杰路一起用这个魔法)
Source of all souls which dwells in the eternal and the infinite. Everlasting flame of blue. All power hidden deep within, be called forth here and now! Ra Tilt!

8. Fire Ball (火炎球)
Oh, source of all power, light which burns beyond crimson, let thy power gather in my hand. FIREBALL!

9. Megido Flare(加梅莉亚第一部第12集用过的一个精灵魔法,可能本身起净化作用,有点Ratilt的味道,对人类无害但是对那种小鬼杀伤力很大)
You who are not of this world, pitiful twisted creatures, by the Light of Purity I possess, I bid thee be gone to the nexus of our two worlds!

10. 召唤咒,正式名称不知,出处为Next 37集杰路试图离开结界的时候通过召唤外界的生物来找到出路,可惜这招在早些时候被莉娜用过了,于是俩魔族修补了这一漏洞-___-
Controller of destiny, you who must come,you who goes… Join yourself to me and obey my will. Come to me now! Come forth my Ally!

还有一些小魔法,咒语不太容易找,平时那些魔法都不用念咒语直接出手的。要想随便瞎说几句糊弄人的话倒好办,偶来教你怎么搞:先来一句Source of all power,然后描述一下你想要用的元素,比方火就用crimson flare,还可以两三种元素结合,比方火+雷+大地之类的,并且最好是要描绘出这些元素正在活动的形态。用些类似flow之类的词。最后来一句let the power gather in my hand然后就可以把手上的球按到敌人身上去了……(-____-)
